...sometimes even a single feather is enough to fly. (Robert Maclean)


local culinary oil!

Being a locavore in the Finger Lakes just got even better!
makes artisanal roasted seed oils
from locally grown non-GMO squash seeds. 

 If I were to describe them as best I could,
only expletives could truly capture how good they are. 
(Good enough to deserve expletives I reserve only for special occasions.)
This oil is worthy in every way.

They had a tasting last weekend at Greenstar and
the nice fellow who was talking to me about it said that
he loves to roast and grill with the oil
add it to mashed potatoes or couscous
and garnish soups with it.

I came home and dipped fresh bread in some oil... simple and divine.

Check out some of their recipe suggestions here.

Since I love brussel sprouts with bacon,
I'm excited to add some squash oil and see how that changes the flavor profile...
and to try Ruth Reichl's adaptation of a squash puree
and Chef Samantha Izzo's vinaigrette.
AND the goat cheese crostini looks amazing
but then again I don't think I ever met a goat cheese crostini that I didn't like!

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