...sometimes even a single feather is enough to fly. (Robert Maclean)


the humble chive

I love how the young bud looks almost like an onion skin.

And how it slowly peels back

a little more each day

 until the skin is spread wide open

 and every petal is free.

Chives are such dynamos.
They reseed themselves.  They have a gorgeous little flower.
They're bountiful and lush with absolutely no maintenance.
At least here in Zone 5...

Things to do with chives:
You can pluck the blossoms and peel them apart into little strands.

You can roll a log of chevre in the blossoms,
so beautiful!

Add them to a green salad or an egg salad or any
kind of thing you might want to have a little oniony flavor. 

You can do the same thing with the green stems, of course.
Mince and add to your eggs
or blend into your cream cheese
or your butter.
(so good I could almost eat it by the spoonful,
chive butter is my absolute fave!)

A dallop
and you get a whallop
of great flavor. 

And the best thing of all, they're milder than a green onion
and they don't give me
 heart burn like the latter sometimes do. 

p.s. oh but don't feed chives to your chickens
 unless you want your eggs to taste a little oniony!
it'd be fine for a frittata, but less fine in a cupcake...   :)

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