...sometimes even a single feather is enough to fly. (Robert Maclean)



Don't forget to take a little time to rest your wings
and enjoy what remains of this sweet and fleeting summer...

common whitetail (male)

This reminder to pause and relax
to reflect and appreciate all that is good...
 is what I see written on the wings of the dragonfly,
or the hummingbird, or in the face of the sunflower,
or shining in the eyes of our old dogs.

Everything around us has some wisdom.
We hear and see what we need to, when we're ready.

Most creatures seem to say the same thing to me,
because I'm a bit thick-headed and forget this lesson. 
I need to learn it over and over.

They all say it to me in their own way:

Oh, dear... 
Stop being such a busybody of a human!
Let those busy thoughts float on like the clouds
and put that neverending to-do list aside.
Even if it's just for a few minutes...
Just feel the love.  Just open up. 
Be free.
Just be.

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