...sometimes even a single feather is enough to fly. (Robert Maclean)


garden boot camp and... home calamities

Oh, dear readers...
I'm behind on my blogging -- there's just been so much to do...!

It's been like garden boot camp around here since mid-April, 
and then as if that wasn't enough to handle, 
we got very sidetracked by some major home calamities
like needing a new septic system
having our well pump frazzle out
and having our driveway entrance start to collapse into the culvert

The bulldozer above has been our garden sculpture.
I can't wait for Mr. Bulldozer to go on his merry way to a new construction site. 

oh yes, AND we had  to hire a carpenter to remove part of our front deck and back deck because apparently that's where our well and septic were ingeniously covered up back in the day.

All such super fun stuff, n'est-ce pas?

The caution tape was a nice touch.
Nothing like feeling  like you're living in a crime scene or a demolition site.

 I just gotta say -- life without running water and plumbing was such a drag.  
Computer chips and internet aside, 
I'm now convinced that the greatest achievement of all time 
is indoor plumbing. 

But I digress.  

Here's a little taste of what we've been up to here at homeowner crisis central / garden boot camp,
with some promises of blogs to come:

- hugelkultur concepts and basic applications
- making woodland paths / walls / brush habitats for wildlife
- clearing invasive species (asian honeysuckle, buckthorn, multiflora rose - ouch!)
- deer exclusion fencing that totally works and isn't an eyesore... though it sure ain't cheap...
- planting a raised mound backyard orchard
- planting a nut grove (hazelnuts and pecans, yeah!)  
- growing king stropharia mushrooms and shiitake logs (thanks, Sean!) 
- sheet mulching garden paths (i.e. no mowing or weedwacking around all those raised beds!) 
- preparing gardens for growing
- soil testing for nutrient density and applications with the High Brix garden system
- feeding seaweed broth to seedlings, and hydroponic transplants!   


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